
Free or Low Cost Courses


Course Description

Course Provided By

Free or Low Cost


Stakeholder Engagement 101

In this free course, you’ll learn how to plan for stakeholder engagement.

Find out who you need to reach out to, how to get them on board, and how to manage complexity — both inside and outside public service. At the end of the course, you’ll have a downloadable stakeholder engagement plan you can use for your next project, policy or program.



Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships

The main objective of this e-learning course is to enhance the knowledge and skills of government officers to put in place institutional arrangements, systems and processes to ensure the participation of key stakeholders in national SDG reviews. The course consists of three online modules and is complemented by webinars providing course participants with a unique opportunity to learn directly from government officials from the former Voluntary National Review (VNR) countries and UN Secretariat representatives. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk


Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change

Learn principles and strategies for engaging with U.S.-based and global communities through partnerships, research, service, and learning.  Excellent description of viewpoints of stakeholders and why researchers need to consider them. Available free or for a small fee for a certificate of completion.

University of Michigan


Community Engagement: An Exploration

Community engagement: an exploration is a new resource that dips into some of the many ‘what?’, ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ considerations related to community engagement. The course is an invitation to staff and students, partners and communities, to explore, reflect and discuss community engagement. Available free or for a small fee for a certificate of completion.

University of Glasgow


Practice of Participatory Action Research (PAR)

This course introduces students to the techniques of participatory action research (PAR) and the practice of case study research. PAR processes are place or case-specific, place a premium on local ways of knowing, and gauge the success of research in terms of what partner-communities do with the knowledge that is co-produced.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


KUSPH Special Short Course-Participatory Action Research

Includes four sections: Introduction to Participatory Action Research (PAR), Theory of PAR, Methods of PAR, and PAR and Older Persons.

Kyoto University


Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement

Explores the rationale and practices of meaningful consultation under IDB policies. This five-week online course addresses mandatory requirements, international practices and recommendations to improve stakeholder participation in consultation processes.

International Development Bank


Transformative Citizen Science

Go beyond citizen-gathered data. Learn to design projects that actively mobilise citizens, policy makers and scientists to improve human and ecological wellbeing. In this advanced course, world leading experts from Wageningen University & Research share key principles and practices for Transformative Citizen Science for Sustainability.

Wageningen University


Citizen Science Course

This 5-module course will introduce you to the concept of citizen science and give you an accessible overview of some of the important aspects of citizen science, such as IT, understanding participants’ motivations, evaluation and environmental citizen science.

Opening Science for All


Citizen Science Course

This MSc course offers an in-depth introduction to citizen science: the involvement of the public in scientific research. The development and application of citizen science is increasing around the world as an effective and progressive research method, and is gaining interest from policy makers and funding bodies across multiple disciplines. Students will be presented with the various applications of citizen science through interactive lectures, discussions, exercises, field, and lab activities. 

University of Copenhagen


Applied Citizen Science

The PhD course offers an in-depth introduction to citizen science: the involvement of the public in scientific research. The development and application of citizen science is increasing around the world as an effective and progressive research method to address today’s societal challenges. Citizen Science is gaining interest from policy makers and funding bodies across multiple disciplines. Students will be presented with the various applications of citizen science through interactive lectures, discussions, exercises, field, and lab activities. 

University of Copenhagen


IDS course on Using Participatory Action Research to Improve Development Practice

Participatory Action Research (PAR) engages people in communities as agents of change. Traditionally, development project ‘beneficiaries’ have rarely been included in researching issues, finding solutions, designing indicators or measuring change. PAR provides a way of changing this, offering an inclusive community-driven approach to development. It is also an effective way of building participatory learning into organisations supporting development and social change. This course organized by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS, University of Sussex) equips development professionals with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to design, develop and conduct context-sensitive PAR. 

University of Cambridge – Cambridge Global Challenges


Using ParticipatOry Action Research to Improve Development Practice

Course aims: To equip you with the conceptual and practical tools to design and carry out PAR in your own organisations, projects, or with partner organisations. You’ll also gain a practical understanding of how to achieve rigour using participatory method.

Institute of Development Studies


Action Research and Practice Research

The course introduces the historical background and development of action research and practice research (including participatory action research, PAR, and participatory practice research, PPR). Research traditions, theories, and methodological issues across various social and human sciences disciplines and professions are examined. The course covers theories of science suited for positioning the epistemological and ontological grounding of action and practice research. Important questions include the following: What are the characteristics of action research and practice research? Which view of knowledge builds the foundation for these research approaches? What possibilities for developing knowledge exist within different action and practice research traditions? What is the potential for carrying out innovative research?

VID Specialized University


Paid Courses


Course Description

Course Provided By

Paid Courses


Citizen Science Course

This MSc course offers an in-depth introduction to citizen science: the involvement of the public in scientific research. The development and application of citizen science is increasing around the world as an effective and progressive research method, and is gaining interest from policy makers and funding bodies across multiple disciplines. Students will be presented with the various applications of citizen science through interactive lectures, discussions, exercises, field, and lab activities. 

University of Copenhagen


Applied Citizen Science

The PhD course offers an in-depth introduction to citizen science: the involvement of the public in scientific research. The development and application of citizen science is increasing around the world as an effective and progressive research method to address today’s societal challenges. Citizen Science is gaining interest from policy makers and funding bodies across multiple disciplines. Students will be presented with the various applications of citizen science through interactive lectures, discussions, exercises, field, and lab activities. 

University of Copenhagen


IDS course on Using Participatory Action Research to Improve Development Practice

Participatory Action Research (PAR) engages people in communities as agents of change. Traditionally, development project ‘beneficiaries’ have rarely been included in researching issues, finding solutions, designing indicators or measuring change. PAR provides a way of changing this, offering an inclusive community-driven approach to development. It is also an effective way of building participatory learning into organisations supporting development and social change. This course organized by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS, University of Sussex) equips development professionals with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to design, develop and conduct context-sensitive PAR. 

University of Cambridge – Cambridge Global Challenges


Using ParticipatOry Action Research to Improve Development Practice

Course aims: To equip you with the conceptual and practical tools to design and carry out PAR in your own organisations, projects, or with partner organisations. You’ll also gain a practical understanding of how to achieve rigour using participatory method.

Institute of Development Studies


Action Research and Practice Research

The course introduces the historical background and development of action research and practice research (including participatory action research, PAR, and participatory practice research, PPR). Research traditions, theories, and methodological issues across various social and human sciences disciplines and professions are examined. The course covers theories of science suited for positioning the epistemological and ontological grounding of action and practice research. Important questions include the following: What are the characteristics of action research and practice research? Which view of knowledge builds the foundation for these research approaches? What possibilities for developing knowledge exist within different action and practice research traditions? What is the potential for carrying out innovative research?

VID Specialized University




Year Published

Link / Citation

Participatory Action Research

This Primer sets out key considerations for the design of a PAR project. The core of the Primer introduces six building blocks for PAR project design: building relationships; establishing working practices; establishing a common understanding of the issue; observing, gathering and generating materials; collaborative analysis; and planning and taking action.


Community-based Participatory Research: A guide to ethical principles and practice.

This guide outlines the central position of ethics in community-based participatory research (CBPR), identifying the underlying ethical principles and offering guidance for putting the principles into practice. One of the main aims of producing this guide is to raise participatory researchers’ awareness of the ethical challenges that may arise, and to enhance their ability to tackle such challenges.


Community-based Participatory Research: A guide to ethical principles and practice. TOOLKIT

The Toolkit includes: Tips for managing institutional research ethics committee processes in participatory research, Imagining the institutional ethical review process, applying ethical principles in participatory research: Using ethical case discussions to promote ethical reflection and decision-making, dilemmas cafés: Promoting ethical dialogue in participatory research, case example 1 Developing a culturally appropriate (gender discriminatory) survey consent procedure, Case example 2 Issues of disclosure and intrusion: Challenges for a community researcher, Case example 3 Establishing community-led ethical review boards in India.


Navigating Participatory Research: a visual guide

A visual guide for navigating participatory research.


Practical Guide to PSP

This guide presents Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) as an approach to collaborative design and delivery of user-focused climate information services through working with: national meteorological services; all value-chain stakeholders in agriculture; government ministries/departments in other climate-sensitive sectors (such as water, environment, energy, health, development, disaster risk management); and communities, organizations and institutions.


Participatory Action Research: Involving “All the Players” in Evaluation and Change

This guide focuses on participatory action research (PAR), a widely used applied research methodology.


The MSP Guide: How to design and facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships

The guide links the underlying rationale for multi-stakeholder partnerships, with a clear four phase process model, a set of seven core principles, key ideas for facilitation and 60 participatory tools for analysis, planning and decision making. 


The MSP Tool Guide: Sixty tools to facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships

This compilation of 60 tools is a companion to The MSP Guide, the Wageningen University & Research CDI resource on how to design and facilitate effective multi-stakeholder partnerships. At the request of many readers we have compiled them into one document to enable easy storing and sharing. These tools are available in summarized version in the MSP Guide in Chapter 6. The detailed versions on how to use the tool, and when to use it, are available on the portal The content of this portal is compiled in this Tool Guide.


The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale II (TRES II) Reflection Framework: Version 2

The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale Reflection Framework (TRES II Reflection Framework, Version 2) is a critical reflection tool designed for all participants in community-campus relationships to generate actionable learning regarding their collective work and to serve as an intervention to deepen those relationships. This tool was designed to accompany the Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale II (TRES II), which on its own has documented utility to enhance partnership inquiry and practice (Kniffin et. al., 2020). The TRES II Reflection Framework broadens and deepens the scale with intentionally-designed prompts structured using the DEAL Model of Critical Reflection (Ash & Clayton, 2009).


Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers and the Public

A practical guide designed to assist those organizing and participating in a citizen science project to get the most out of the experience. The guide will enable you to have the skills to ensure a project is well set up from the start, is able to communicate to its stakeholders and citizens, manage its data and outputs, and overall ensure research benefits. The guide has been compiled by the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group and pulls on the generous contributions of the open science community.


Citizen Science at Universities

The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, it provides a set of actionable guidelines for professional scientists engaging in citizen science at universities, thus helping to ensure high quality research results of citizen science projects and encouraging efficient collaboration between professional scientists and the public. Second, based on these guidelines, this paper provides a series of policy recommendations for universities, research funding organizations and policy-making bodies to promote excellence in citizen science.


Leading Transformative Change Collectively: A Practitioner Guide to Realizing the SDGs

This practitioner’s guide looks beyond the current technical and administrative approaches to SDG implementation and climate action. It brings people and human competencies back into the center of transformative change. It shows that leading transformative change collectively across institutions, sectors, and nations is imperative – and that it can be achieved.


Publications Available For Sale On Other Websites.



Year Published

Link / Citation

Participatory Action Research: Ethics and Decolonization

Devotes significant content to the challenging aspects of Participatory Action Research and addresses contemporary gender diversity considerations, such as how to challenge exclusionary forms of feminism.

Includes vignettes from diverse researchers who are women, written especially for this book.


Participatory Action Research: It’s All About the Community

This book is deeply grounded in the belief that social sciences research should have a direct connection to helping people and improving communities. This text explores how to achieve community engagement and community involvement to bring about positive change through research and action.


The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquirty

This book aims to make a case for participatory action research (PAR) as a powerful strategy to advance both science and practice. PAR involves practitioners in the research process from the initial design of the project through data gathering and analysis to final conclusions and actions arising out of the research.





Community-based participatory research

This website is a community toolbox that includes a discussion of what community-based participatory research is, why you would use it, who should be involved, when you should employ community-based participatory research, how to institute and carry out community-based participatory research and a summary.

Toolbox for Stakeholder Engagement

This page on the website of Vrije University, Amesterdam includes tools for stakeholder engagement including implementation strategies, formats, ethics, interdisciplinary teamwork, frame reflection and stakeholder relationship evaluation.

Learn Stakeholder Engagement (Australian National University)

This website includes a list of over 300 free on-line courses offered from a variety of different sources (examples are Coursera, Microsoft, and University of Cambridge) on the topic of stakeholder engagement.

ParEvo: A free web-assisted participatory scenario planning process

This website describes ParEvo: A free web-assisted participatory scenario planning (PSP) process. It discusses problems and purpose of PSP; origins of PSP; participant recruitment and selection; how it works: Process, interaction and decision-making; influence, outcomes and effects; and analysis and lessons learned.

Studying PAR

Participatory Action Research & Organizational Change: Participatory action research has an eclectic range of researchers representing a number of different disciplines. The website provides a list of some PAR researchers and their research centres as well as some course outlines and some of the journals that have articles that specifically concentrate on PAR as a method.

Research Methods Guide Participatory Action

This website, a collaboration of Carleton College provides resources for researchers, practitioners, organizers and communities to engage in participatory action research.  It covers a PAR map/framework, the history, common types, and ethics of PAR.


This University of California, Berkeley website provides step-by-step guidance on engaging youth in participatory action research. 1. Evaluate if YPAR is the right approach with the “Why YPAR” tab. 2. Utilize resources in the “Getting Started” tab to begin planning your project. 3. Learn about different research methods in the “Investigating a Problem” tab. 4. Plan ways to captivate audiences with the “Strategizing for Action” tab.

Youth Participatory Action Research: A guide for educators

A YouTube video covering basic information about YPAR.

Participatory approaches to planning community interventions

This website is a community toolbox that includes these topics: What is a participatory approach to planning? What are the advantages of a participatory planning approach? What are the disadvantages of a participatory planning approach? What are the levels of participatory planning? When is participatory planning appropriate? When is participatory planning not appropriate? Who should be involved in a participatory planning process? What do you have to do to get a participatory planning process up and running?

EU Citizen-Science Training Platform

Links to the European Citizen Science Academy with a list of courses available.

EU Citizen-Science Resources

This is a comprehensive website focused on Citizen Science including a Blog, Events, ECS Academy, FAQ, 75 Trainings, Resources, Projects, and Organizations.

Center for Community & Citizen Science Blog

The blog highlights the work of the Center for Community & Citizen Science, including their research, projects, and publications. It also features news and events, such as the 2024 North American Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference and Research Symposium. Additionally, the blog provides information on resources for educators and practitioners, such as the Environmental Superheroes of the ELA Classroom podcast series.

FAO Learning Academy

This is a link to the FAO elearning Academy course catalog in which you can search for current course listings for stakeholder/community engagement or other courses.

In this section we provide sample syllabi that have been generously shared by faculty with experience teaching stakeholder and community engagement.




Action Research

Action Research is a research methodology that combines research with intervention or ‘action.’ It is characterized by a collaborative relationship between the researcher and an organization or community that perceives an issue of concern. The research/action can be to further define or understand the problem, to intervene, or to advocate for specific solutions. The course will be taught in a manner that is consistent with the principles of Action Research, with a focus on collaborative learning.

Citizen Science

In this Impact Challenge, you will develop and perform a citizen science project: doing research in collaboration with the general public.

Communication of Environmental Information and Stakeholder Engagement

This course provides students with the skills for communicating scientific environmental data and sustainable engineering design to stakeholders, including scientists in different fields, policy decision-makers, and the interested public. The course covers the importance of clear communication of complex scientific information, and methods of engagement and designing key messages. Major types of communication media are covered to involve stakeholders in the creation and analysis of big data and dispersed information.

Community Based Participatory Action Research to Decrease Health Disparities

This is a graduate level course that examines Community‐Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) as a research paradigm to understand and address health disparities at the community level. Through class discussions and assignments, students will become familiar with the paradigm shift, developing methodology and ethical challenges posed by CBPAR. (

Community Engagement

Community Engagement is a critical component of sustainable development, fostering empowerment, social cohesion, and locally effective initiatives. This course is for professionals working in environmental science, public policy, urban planning, and community development. Participants will acquire essential knowledge and skills for effectively engaging communities in sustainability efforts, including understanding diverse engagement models, conducting thorough needs assessments, and cultivating collaborative partnerships. The main goal of this course is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively engage communities in sustainability efforts. Students will learn how to identify key stakeholders, conduct community needs assessments, facilitate listening sessions, develop and implement communication strategies, build collaborative partnerships, and evaluate the impact of their initiatives.

Community Engagement

The best planning projects and public policies succeed when the communities they are intended for are engaged in shaping them. This course explores ways to create active, positive participation in different settings. We examine the goals and practice of community engagement, from theory and history to methods and techniques.

Community Engagement

This course will provide instruction and hands on experience with community engagement and stakeholder collaboration, especially within an urban and regional planning context and in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Community Practice Theory and Methods

This course introduces students to theoretical frameworks and methods for community-driven policy and planning practice. Students will be introduced to literature covering citizen participation, democratic practice, community organizing, social movements, and community action research. Case studies will be interwoven throughout to provide practical examples of methods at work. Special attention will be paid to the intercultural aspects of community practice, particularly looking at race, class, and gender.

Conducting Participatory Action Research

In this workshop, participants will learn how to employ Participatory Action Research (PAR), an approach to data collection that emphasizes (a) the full participation and leadership of members of the research population in each stage of the research project; (b) education through co-learning between formal researchers and community members; and (c) collaborative social action that improves the well-being of the research population. In this workshop, we will engage with different theories about how knowledge is created, learn about the principles of PAR and how to apply them in a range of research projects, and work in small groups to workshop the application of PAR in participants’ own projects. Participants will leave the workshop with a foundational understanding of Participatory Action Research and a concrete plan to apply PAR principles in their research and organizations.

Equitable Community Engagement

Key to the planning profession is engagement. Most of a planner’s work necessitates engagement of institutions and of people in order to effectuate change, and change (or prevention thereof) is the planner’s currency. Specifically this course will look at community engagement, or engagement of the public within a defined geography. What is community? How is it defined? What does it look and feel like? And how does it manifest itself, or not, as part of the planning process? Communities in the United States are rarely equitable, particularly as it relates to planning. How then can community engagement be equitable? How does a planner conduct equitable community engagement? How does one even define it or recognize it? This course will examine all of this and take a brief look at best practices in the field. In particular, this course will examine the New York City community board, which is not just a convenient petris dish for studying equitable community engagement but in many ways is a laboratory where equitable community engagement will be defined, tested and perhaps ultimately succeed or fail.

Participatory Action Research

The purpose of this course is to explore ways to include the community in the research process.

Participatory Action Research in Community Settings

This course introduces students to the development, practice, and ethics of research in community settings. We will notably look at how anthropology as a discipline and Participatory Action Research (PAR) intersect in the design of projects that aim to study social issues and contribute to social change. As we define the various methods used to understand communities close and afar from us, you will put into practice what you learn, by conducting your ethnographic project in a community of your choice. At the end of the semester, you will have learned to build, run, and adapt research to the realities of the world we inhabit.

Participatory Research Strategies to Maximize Community Impact

The course will offer an advanced introduction to participatory research methods and methodologies. Learning will involve reading and hearing about the ways in which researchers and community members collaborate to generate useful knowledge that contributes to social justice, health and equity. The nature of knowledge and the purpose of research will be examined along with the roles of scientists, research partners, and institutions. The course will invite students to examine the theoretical, technical, and practical elements of doing participatory research, from philosophical underpinnings to research design and analysis strategies to protecting (and engaging) research participants. The course will explore and reflect on issues of power, trust, (in)equity, and social (in)justice; and examine the multiple ways in which participatory research can be used as a vehicle for positive social change.

Taller de Etnographía Sensorial
y Participatión Comunitaria

Concebido como un laboratorio colaborativo e interdisciplinario, este curso de participación comunitaria (“community engagement”) conjuga el análisis cultural con la investigación audiovisual “aplicada” y la expresión creativa al modo “DIY.” Nuestras diversas actividades y discusiones se sustentarán, en primer lugar, en los cimientos conceptuales de las así-llamadas humanidades urbanas, un campo de estudio relativamente nuevo que se organiza en torno a las variadas formas de organización social, cultural, estética, y arquitectónica que definen la ciudad contemporánea. En igual medida, nos ubicaremos en el campo de la etnografía sensorial, una rama de la antropología visual que moviliza la experimentación con los medios audiovisuales de comunicación (video, sonido, fotografía) para interactuar con el mundo y revelar sus dimensiones más recónditas.